2008.09-2012.06 鲁东大学 数学与统计学院 统计学
2013.09-2016.06 昆明理工大学 质量发展研究院 质量统计学
2016.06-2017.09 聊城大学 商学院
2017.09-2024.04 大连理工大学 经济管理学院 管理科学与工程
1. Li Zhe, Li Pengsheng, Hu Yuxin, et al. Reject inference for default prediction based on three-way decision theory and bagging ensemble model: Evidence from Chinese MSEs[J]. Expert Systems with Applications(SCI,JCR Q1,中科院1区TOP), 2025, 270: 126448.
2. Pang Meng, Wang Fengjuan, Li Zhe(通讯). Credit risk prediction based on an interpretable three-way decision method: Evidence from Chinese SMEs[J]. Applied Soft Computing (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院1区TOP) , 2024, 157: 111538.
3. Li Zhe, Liang Shuguang, Pan Xianyou, Pang Meng. Credit risk prediction based on loan profit: Evidence from Chinese SMEs[J]. Research in International Business and Finance (SSCI, JCR Q1, ABS 2), 2024, 67: 102155.
4. Pang Meng, Li Zhe(通讯). A novel profit-based validity index approach for feature selection in credit risk prediction[J]. AIMS Mathematics(SCI,JCR Q1), 2024, 9: 974-997.
5. 李哲, 迟国泰. 基于最大指标区分度与最优相对隶属度的上市公司信用风险研究[J].中国管理科学(基金委员会认定A类期刊,人大复印资料全文转载,CSSCI), 2021, 29(4): 1-15.
6. 迟国泰, 李哲(通讯). 基于动态调整的Copula-非线性分位数回归资产组合优化[J].运筹与管理(基金委员会认定A类期刊, CSCD, 南大核心扩展),2021, 30(6): 35-41.
7. Li Zhe, Chi Guotai, Zhou Ying, Liu Wenxuan. Research on the listed companies’ credit rating considering classification performance and interpretability[J]. Journal of Risk Model Validation (SSCI), 2021, 15(1): 19-47.
8. Li Zhe, Jiang Zhenhao, Pan Xianyou. Default risk prediction of enterprises based on convolutional neural network in the age of big data: analysis from the viewpoint of different balance ratios[J]. Complexity (SCI, JCR Q2), 2022, 2022: 5139562.
9. 李哲, 马中东. 网络购物购买意愿的影响因素及其复杂关系研究—基于PLS-SEM与贝叶斯网络[J]. 统计与信息论坛(CSSCI), 2018, 33(8):110-117.